Air Quality
Air quality is more than just having a comfortable temperature insie your home. Other facts that determine air quaility include pollution, allergens, and other particles that can affect their air you breathe, which impacts your overall health. This is why it’s extremely important to have regular inspections of your home’s air quality. You want to make sure you’re breathing in the cleanest air possible, with no particles that can negatively impact your health and the health of other inside your home. Most homes in Georgia find themseles sealed from the heat that beats down during the summertime. While sealing your home keeps it cooler, you could be trapping yourself in with particles that are detrimental to your air quality.
Air Purification System
Remo Halo-Whole home in a duct air purifier with ultraviolet technology keeps your system, air, and house much cleaner. It also kills all viruses and bacteria. Nu-Calgon, I wave-R whole home in a duct air purifier efficiently kills negative pathogens without emitting any harmful by-products or creating ozone. This keeps your system, air, and home much cleaner. Media air cleaners by Generalaire, Ultravation, and Honeywell all include a once-a-year media filer cartridge, Merv11.
New Filter System
- Remo Halo
- Nu-Calgon
- Honeywell Media Air Cleaner
- Ultravation Media Air Cleaner
- Generalaire Media Air Cleaner
Lets Keep your Air Quality Clean
Lets keep your air quality clean by installing a whole house air purification system or a new filter system of your choice. Airman can also refresh your old evaporator coil with a deep cleaning and servicing.
Ask us about whole house air purification systems and new filter systems:
Once a year media filters (Merv11)
Indoor Air Particles
To maximize your air efficiency, your system needs to recycle some of the air it’s output. While this recycled air can keep your space cool, it also increases the risks of particles such as pollutants, smoke, or even cooking oil that went airbourne negatively impacting your air quality. Utilizing an air filter is a good start, but you must ensure you’re using the right air filter to maximize your quality. Other factors that can help are having clean coils and keeping ductwork up to par. These are the necessary steps to attaining clean air.
Poor air quality can oftentimes be a bother, but more importantly, it is damaging to your health. A gas called carbon monozide doesn’t have any color or odor, and can be very hard to detect. It’s formed by the incommplete combustion of fuels. When people breathe in this gas, it leads to carbon monoxide poisoning, which means that carbon monoxide molecules are replacing the oxygen in their bodies. This gas can come from stovetop heat, fireplaces, or other natural gas-burning areas of your home. In a home with good ventilation, this gas seemlessly filters outside of your home. However, without a good ventilation system, this gas can recirculate into your air-conditioning and become fatal to your or those in your house. It’s crucial to get your air quality up to par with your ventilation needs.
Air Quality
If you didn’t already know, your temperature doesn’t just affect how you enjoy your home, but also your home’s air quality. Warm air retains more moisture than cool air, which is why we’re so familiar with those hot, humid Georgia days. If your system can’t cool down correctly, that excess moisture can cause buildups of mildew and mold. This damp air also affects your evaporator coils when they ice over and attract more dirt. This decreases air quality and compromises efficiency with air flow.