We know just how important it is to keep your heating system in prime condition. Heating is crucial in maintaining comfort and determining your utility bill each month. At Airman, we’re committed to maintaining that comfort all year round with quality repairs and installations.
We have your parts and we have the experts to repair your heater – we can repair all makes and models.
Service Plans Available – checks-ups on gas furnaces, heat pumps, inspect venting, cleaning, and safety checks on all heating equipment.
If needed, let the experts with Airman replace your old furnace or heat pump with a new high efficiency heating system.
Keeping Your House Heated
Whether you’re operating with a more modern heat pump or a traditional furnace gas heating system, Airman is ready to inspect, service, and replace anything that they encounter. One great way to stay up-to-date on your maintenance needs is to have Airman inspect your system when going into this winter months. During this time, Airman can install a new filter for optimal airflow and efficiency. Airman can also check your house insulations and duct work on our visits to ensure that your home is maintaining its energy efficiency.
How to Know When Your Furnace Isn’t Working
Early detection is the name of the game when dealing with your furnace. The biggest warning sign that many people tend to recognize is an overall loss of heat, but other issues can arise before that point that are easy to miss. Catching those early, hidden signs can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. One way to know if your furnace isn’t operating correctly is to check the burner. If you don’t see a blue flame, it’s a deefinite way of knowing that your furnace isn’t working right. Other common signs can include odors, odd noises, and unusual increases on your heating bill. Catch these warning signs early to know that there’s a malfunction with your furnace system and call in the professionals at Airman right away.
Can A Heat Pump Be More Efficient?
In Georgia, people tend to want the utmost in effective air conditioning when it comes to the Georgia heat. However, what if your heating system could be just as effective? Heat pumps operate the exact same way as air conditioners in warmer months so that you can take advantage of that heat energy from outside and utilize it inside. Heat pumps don’t generate their own heat energy. This means that the heat is extremely effective and easy on your wallet.